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In Memorium: Don Harrett

The Secrets of Radar Museum wishes to note the passing of Don Harrett, a Second World War radar veteran of the RCAF, who served first in Britain, and then in North and South Africa.  He was one of the few non-Americans to be awarded the U.S. Soldier’s Medal for distinguished heroism by risking his own life in saving American soldiers after a fiery airplane crash.  An early supporter of the Museum, Don participated in the ribbon cutting 15 years ago. 

Read Don's obituary here.

Map of every bomb dropped on London during the Blitz

Have you ever wondered at the extent of the damage inflicted on London during the Blitz?  Museum intern, Michelle, stumbled on this fascinating website while carrying out radar related research.  Visit Bomb Sight to learn more.  It's fascinating.

The Bomb Sight project is mapping the London WW2 bomb census between 7/10/1940 and 06/06/1941. Previously available only by viewing in the Reading Room at The National Archives, Bomb Sight is making the maps available to citizen researchers, academics and students.

Members of the London Fire Brigade train their hoses on burning buildings in Queen Victoria Street, EC4, after the last and heaviest major raid mounted on the capital during the 'Blitz'. For six hours on the night of 10-11 May 1941, aircraft of the Luftwaffe dropped over 1,000 tons of ...

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