board of directors

Goodbye? Hello! to Elizabeth

Elizabeth Grayson leaning on a display table in the Secrets of Radar Museum, August, 2022. Used with permission.

Sometimes a summer job contract or university intern really clicks with us and our mission and over the years we’ve had several employment contract staff and interns return to us or stay on as volunteers, sometimes for several years.

We are delighted to announce that following the conclusion of her summer Young Canada Works contract, during the Annual General Meeting, Elizabeth Grayson stood for election to the Board of Directors. She was unopposed and the membership unanimously accepted her election. She has taken on the job of handling memberships, among other things, and we couldn’t be happier.

During her three-month summer contract, Elizabeth worked diligently to catalogue, cull, and house several archival collections, attended museum network events, and developed her own interpretive approach to our exhibit material to provide excellent tours. Elizabeth is in the process of completing a Bachelors in Museum Studies at Western University and is brimming with ideas and enthusiasm. Welcome aboard, Elizabeth. We hope you enjoy your term on the Board!

Annual General Meeting Summary

Thank you to our members who attended in person, and to those who sent in their Proxy votes. Our meeting, which was held on site with social distancing protocols in place August 20, 2021, was an enjoyable and positive event. In spite of the challenges caused by a global pandemic that lead to restrictions and closures, over all the year April 1, 2020-March 31, 2021 was strong. Our finances are healthier and our community involvement on multiple platforms has increased. Steve Bourdeau reported on the activities of the Museum, Dan Steinhaur reported on the finances, which were accepted. Maya Hirschman reported on the Museum’s acquisitions, and gave a short talk about her PhD research which is interested in SORM and the veterans who founded it. Of significance, a motion was made and approved to raise the membership fees in 2022, which have not increased since 2006. More information on that will follow in the forthcoming Autumn newsletter. All members of the executive stood for re-election and have returned for another two-year term. The Board is looking for two additional members to assist with memberships and fundraising. If you have interest, please contact us to learn more. Your current Board of Directors is Steve Bourdeau (President), Dan Steinhaur P.Eng (Treasurer), Dr. Paul Joe, and Maya Hirschman MA.