Maya Hirschman

In Memorium: Jacob Julien Olson, 1921-2020


Julien Olson, as he was known to us, was a good friend to the museum. He passed away on June 24, 2020, just days away from his 99th birthday.

Originally from Alberta, Julien joined the RCAF in 1941 and successfully completed his training as a radar mechanic. Unlike many of his colleagues who were posted in multiple places and theatres, Julien served overseas in Britain for the duration, proudly supporting first the RAF Pathfinder 109 Squadron’s twin-engined Vickers Wellington medium bombers and then the legendary de Havilland Mosquito light bombers as a radar technician. The use of blind-bombing system Oboe was pioneered in the Mosquito; Oboe’s high accuracy enabled the Pathfinders to mark targets and was crucial to the success of the RAF's campaign against the Ruhr. The squadron continued performing marking duties until the end of the war, including the last raid on Berlin on 21 April 1945, as well as supply drops into the Netherlands near the war’s end. While overseas, Julien met the love of his life, Lilian, an RAF WAAF. They were married in September, 1945, and she returned with him to Western Canada. They eventually settled in Ottawa, where Julien, a trained architect, began a new career with the Federal Department of Public Works.


In 2013, Julien organised a radar luncheon so that former SORM curator, Maya Hirschman, could interview a dozen WWII radar mechanics and operators. Julien made sure she was well looked after and that as many veterans were there as possible. She returned in 2014 to carry out a couple deeper interviews, and again, Julien, along with his daughter Christine, was a terrific host. He also arranged for the museum’s H2X radar unit to travel from Ottawa to London, where it is proudly displayed. Several artefacts belonging to Julien are displayed at the museum that document his ingenuity, which was indicative of radar mechanics as a whole, including a small ammeter he built from the cannibalised parts of broken equipment warehoused on a base in England.

We at the museum will sincerely miss Julien—his dedication and generosity—and are eternally grateful for his decision to involve himself in the goings-on at SORM.

You can read Julien’s full obituary published in the Ottawa Citizen.

Left to right: David Barlow (donor of the H2X), former curator Maya Hirschman, radar veteran Roy Taylor, and radar veteran Julien Olson, 2014.

Left to right: David Barlow (donor of the H2X), former curator Maya Hirschman, radar veteran Roy Taylor, and radar veteran Julien Olson, 2014.

The Radar-Carrot Myth on the Food Non-Fiction Podcast

In late November, Manager Maya took a call from one of the producers of a podcast called Food Non-Fiction.  What Lillian Yang wanted to talk about was the 'carrot myth' and how it helped keep the secret of radar during the war.  Maya was, of course, happy to oblige.  The results are up now on the Food Non-Fiction website, and we encourage you to listen and share your thoughts (and carrot recipes) in their comments section. 

While it's true that carrots are good for you and improve the overall health of your eyes, they don't really give you better vision.  At least, not like the Second World War British propaganda machine would have you believe.  So, by all means, eat them, but they won't help you see in the dark.

Manager & Curator Maya Hirschman talks up the Museum in this week's "Our London"

In case you missed the story in this week's Our London, reporter Whitney South spent some time visiting the Museum and interviewing Manager and Curator, Maya Hirschman.  You can read the full article online.

Imagine helping to save the world — and having to keep it a secret for 50 years.

But more than a story in an old spy novel, this was reality for thousands of men and women working behind the scenes during the Second World War. Groups of radar mechanics and operators, physicists and researchers, working to protect soldiers abroad, all in complete secrecy.

These days, their stories live on at the Secrets of Radar Museum, here in London.

For curator Maya Hirschman, nothing is more important than getting the chance to share those stories with a new generation.

“These were Canadian men and women, from all walks of life, who never expected to end up doing top secret work,” she explained. “Like spies and codebreakers, they promised their silence, and their reward was that the official history completely forgot about them.”

Honouring people and organisations that make London a better place

We are thrilled that Manager Maya and SoRM were selected as a recipient of this year's Vital People Award, granted by the London Community Foundation.  She is in good company among some truly committed Londoners.  The grant will enable her to pursue Project Management at Western's School of Continuing Studies. 

The awards ceremony was held in the early evening on Monday, December 2nd at the Goodwill Centre.  It was a very well attended event with members of London's many communities and organisations present.  The event was short and sweet, well produced, and truly made the recipients feel valued and honoured.  And, following the celebration, many guests wandered into the bright, spacious Goodwill Store downstairs for a bit of a browse (because who doesn't love a bargain?!). 

You can learn more about the individual recipients here, and the London Community Foundation here.  We encourage you to donate to this excellent organisation, if you have the means, as they support many initiatives around London.

Anouncements !

We have some great news to share ! 

Firstly, congratulations go to Manager Maya on being a recipient of the 2013 London Community Foundation Vital People grant.  The grant provides $2000 to SoRM so that Maya can study Project Management at Western.  

Secondly, if you happen to be attending the OMA conference this week, Maya will be participating in a tech talk round-table tomorrow, and on Friday she will be presenting an Ignite session on museum engagement. 

Thirdly, on Friday, November 29th, the Physics & Astronomy building at Western will be celebrating its grand re-opening and we'll be there.  SoRM has been collaborating with the department to create some dynamic new wall content for the newly renovated building, and the first phase of the project will be unveiled at the event.  If you want to attend, please RSVP.