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Doors Open

Doors Open and more

YES, we are part of Doors Open London, but we'll be up at the RCR Museum with a nifty pop-up display.  And 'radar popcorn', too.

Doors Open London is a little bit different this year than it has been in the past.  We'll be open at our own site on the Saturday as usual, but we'll also be running a special Doors Open display out of the Royal Canadian Regiment (RCR) Museum, on both Saturday and Sunday starting at 10AM.  The RCR Museum is located at 701 Oxford Street East.  You can learn more about this weekend's venues and events at the Doors Open London website.

Speaking of shows, two weeks ago we participated in the 'Wings Over Gatineau en vol' Air Show for the first time.  What a wonderful event that was!  Lots of history for the history loving aviation and military aficionados and newbies alike.  Vintage Wings put on a fantastic show and we're already looking forward to next year's event.

We also had our Annual General Meeting just this past weekend, which was well-attended by a diverse audience of interested people.  We're certain this is a sign of good things to come!