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Radar Resolutions

Image borrowed from this site, which has nothing at all to do with radar.

Image borrowed from this site, which has nothing at all to do with radar.

The year is drawing to a close and, as is traditional in Canadian society, we look to the future with an eye for betterment, improvement, enjoyment, hopes, and wishes.  Museums tend more toward vision statements, strategic planning documents, and exhibition plans rather than New Year Resolutions, but there's a nice informality to resolutions, and if you fail in achieving them, you don't lose your funding.

So, for the sake of the season, here are our Resolutions for the betterment of the museum.  In 2013:

  1. We resolve to be a more engaging museum, be it through our exhibits, our research amenities, or through social media.
  2. We resolve to make sure we give all facets of our Mandate equal weight.
  3. We resolve to become the best known "secret" in London so that we're secret in name only!
  4. We resolve to build excitement through new approaches to our subject matter.

Do you think we can do it?  It may not be easy, but we're confident.  With plans in the works to refurbish old displays and to create new content, and with ideas for building both partnerships and audiences, we think this is going to be a pretty exciting year.  As 2012 wraps up, we're anticipating that the energy and interest we've been building through the fall will take us to some fantastic new places. 

As a final thought, we'd like to take a moment to thank our volunteers for their hard work.  Norman Warnick and Roy Taylor are two of our wonderful volunteer tour guides.  Norman loves history and telling stories, bringing enthusiasm to all his tours.  Roy has been with the museum since the very beginning and is a WW2 Radar veteran able to share his own real life experiences.  Lawrence Petch has recently retired from volunteering, but his love of history and research have helped make our story that much stronger.  Thanks, Lawrence!  New volunteers Liz Myers (with her huge personality and love of organisation) and Bill Hilton (he's the guy who 'makes things go' for live demos) are happy additions to the Radar family.  Welcome!

We wish you a very safe and happy New Year's Eve and all the best for the coming year.  See you in the future!