You asked, we listened! Finally, Secrets of Radar logo tees are available for $20 (on site, or with additional shipping). Our attractive tees are standard fit men’s and women’s, navy blue with phosphor green printing. They feature our handsome new logo, designed by Winnipeg artist Gilles Messier, and our tagline, “Imagine saving the world… and keeping it secret for 50 years”.
In Memorium: Bill Bird
William "Bill" Bird was born in Sheffield, U.K. in 1917, and later moved with his parents to Manchester. After working in his father's business, he joined the R.A.F. and became involved in the development and use of radar during the Second World War as a Flight Sergeant. In 1953 Bill immigrated to Canada to work for A.V. Roe in Malton, Ontario, and then with his newly arrived family, moved to Clinton, Ontario as a civilian radar instructor for the R.C.A.F. He and the family then moved to Peterborough, Ontario, where he was hired to set up and teach in a new electronics lab at Kenner Collegiate.
Click here to read the full obituary.